Y. Qin, F. Pasqualetti, D. Bassett, and M. van Gerven, Vibrational Control of Complex Networks, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, submitted, 2024 arXivHTML
Y. Qin, A. Nobili, D. Bassett, and F. Pasqualetti, Vibrational stabilization of cluster synchronization in oscillator networks, IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems, 2023 BibHTML
@article{2023:OpenJn:VibCtr,author={Qin, Yuzhen and Nobili, Alberto Maria and Bassett, Danielle S. and Pasqualetti, Fabio},journal={IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems},title={Vibrational stabilization of cluster synchronization in oscillator networks},year={2023},volume={2},number={},pages={439-453},doi={10.1109/OJCSYS.2023.3331195}}
Y. Qin, Y. Li, F. Pasqualetti, M. Fazel, and S. Oymak, Stochastic contextual bandits with long horizon rewards, Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Feb 2023 arXivBibHTML
@article{2023:AAAI:bandits,title={Stochastic contextual bandits with long horizon rewards},doi={10.1609/aaai.v37i8.26140},number={8},journal={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},author={Qin, Yuzhen and Li, Yingcong and Pasqualetti, Fabio and Fazel, Maryam and Oymak, Samet},year={2023},month=feb,pages={9525-9533},volume={37},}
O. Portoles, Y. Qin, J. Hadida, M. Woolrich, M. Cao, and M. Vugt, Modulations of local synchrony over time lead to resting-state functional connectivity in a parsimonious large-scale brain model, PLOS One, Oct 2022 BibHTML
@article{2022:PlosOne,doi={10.1371/journal.pone.0275819},author={Portoles, Oscar and Qin, Yuzhen and Hadida, Jonathan and Woolrich, Mark and Cao, Ming and van Vugt, Marieke},journal={PLOS One},publisher={Public Library of Science},title={Modulations of local synchrony over time lead to resting-state functional connectivity in a parsimonious large-scale brain model},year={2022},month=oct,volume={17},pages={1-25},number={10}}
Y. Qin, Y. Kawano, B. Anderson, and M. Cao, Partial exponential stability analysis of slow–fast systems via periodic averaging, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Oct 2022 BibHTML
@article{2022:TAC:PartStabi,author={Qin, Yuzhen and Kawano, Yu and Anderson, Brian D. O. and Cao, Ming},journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control},title={Partial exponential stability analysis of slow–fast systems via periodic averaging},year={2022},volume={67},number={10},pages={5479-5486},doi={10.1109/TAC.2021.3117151},}
T. Menara, Y. Qin, D. Bassett, and F. Pasqualetti, Relay Interactions Enable Remote Synchronization in Networks of Phase Oscillators, IEEE Control Systems Letters, Oct 2022 BibHTML
@article{2022:LCSS:RemtSyn,author={Menara, Tommaso and Qin, Yuzhen and Bassett, Danielle S. and Pasqualetti, Fabio},journal={IEEE Control Systems Letters},title={Relay Interactions Enable Remote Synchronization in Networks of Phase Oscillators},year={2022},volume={6},number={},pages={500-505},doi={10.1109/LCSYS.2021.3082029},}
Y. Qin, T. Menara, S. Oymak, S. Ching, and F. Pasqualetti, Non-stationary representationlearning in sequential linear bandits, IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems, Oct 2022 BibHTML
@article{2022:OpenJ:bandits,author={Qin, Yuzhen and Menara, Tommaso and Oymak, Samet and Ching, ShiNung and Pasqualetti, Fabio},journal={IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems},title={Non-stationary representationlearning in sequential linear bandits},year={2022},volume={1},number={},pages={41-56},doi={10.1109/OJCSYS.2022.3178540},}
Y. Qin, Y. Kawano, O. Portoles, and M. Cao, Partial phase cohesiveness in networks of networks of Kuramoto oscillators, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Oct 2021 BibHTML
@article{2021:TAC:PartSyn,author={Qin, Yuzhen and Kawano, Yu and Portoles, Oscar and Cao, Ming},journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control},title={Partial phase cohesiveness in networks of networks of Kuramoto oscillators},year={2021},volume={66},number={12},pages={6100-6107},doi={10.1109/TAC.2021.3062005},}
Y. Qin, T. Menara, D. Bassett, and F. Pasqualetti, Phase-amplitude coupling in neuronal oscillator networks, Physical Review Research, Jun 2021 BibHTML
@article{2021:PRResearch,title={Phase-amplitudecouplinginneuronaloscillatornetworks},author = {Qin, Yuzhen and Menara, Tommaso and Bassett, Danielle S. and Pasqualetti, Fabio},journal = {Physical Review Research},volume = {3},issue = {2},pages = {023218},numpages = {8},year = {2021},month = jun,publisher = {American Physical Society},doi = {10.1103/PhysRevResearch.3.023218},}
Y. Zhai, Z. Liu, M. Ge, G. Wen, X. Yu, and Y. Qin, Trusted-region subsequence reduction for designing resilient consensus algorithms, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, Jun 2021 HTML
Y. Qin, M. Cao, B. Anderson, D. Bassett, and F. Pasqualetti, Mediated remote synchronization of Kuramoto-Sakaguchi oscillators: the number of mediators matters, IEEE Control Systems Letters, Jun 2021 BibHTML
@article{2021:LCSS:mediated_sync,author={Qin, Yuzhen and Cao, Ming and Anderson, Brian D. O. and Bassett, Danielle S. and Pasqualetti, Fabio},journal={IEEE Control Systems Letters},title={Mediated remote synchronization of Kuramoto-Sakaguchi oscillators: the number of mediators matters},year={2021},volume={5},number={3},pages={767-772},doi={10.1109/LCSYS.2020.3005449},}
Y. Qin, M. Cao, and B. Anderson, Lyapunov criterion for stochastic systems and its applications in distributed computation, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Jun 2020 BibHTML
@article{2020:TAC:Lyap,author={Qin, Yuzhen and Cao, Ming and Anderson, Brian D. O.},journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control},title={Lyapunov criterion for stochastic systems and its applications in distributed computation},year={2020},volume={65},number={2},pages={546-560},doi={10.1109/TAC.2019.2910948},}
M. Ye, Y. Qin, A. Govaert, B. Anderson, and M. Cao, An influence network model to study discrepancies in expressed and private opinions, Automatica, Jun 2019 Bib
@article{2019:Automatica:opinion,title={An influence network model to study discrepancies in expressed and private opinions},journal={Automatica},volume={107},pages={371-381},year={2019},issn={0005-1098},doi={https://doi.org/10.1016/j.automatica.2019.05.059},url={https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0005109819302870},author={Ye, Mengbin and Qin, Yuzhen and Govaert, Alain and Anderson, Brian D.O. and Cao, Ming},keywords={Opinion dynamics, Social network analysis, Networks, Agent-based model, Social conformity}}
W. Li, H. Zhou, Z. Liu, Y. Qin, and Z. Wang, Impulsive coordination of nonlinear multi-agent systems with multiple leaders and stochastic disturbance, Neurocomputing, Jun 2016 HTML
Conference and Workshop Papers
Y. Qin, A. El-Gazzar, D. Bassett, F. Pasqualetti, and M. van Gerven, Analytical characterization of epileptic dynamics in a bistable system, In IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Jun 2024 BibHTML
@inproceedings{2024:CDC:epilepsy,author={Qin, Yuzhen and El-Gazzar, Ahmed and Bassett, Danielle S. and Pasqualetti, Fabio and {van Gerven}, Marcel},booktitle={IEEE Conference on Decision and Control},title={Analytical characterization of epileptic dynamics in a bistable system},year={2024},volume={},number={},pages={},doi={}}
A. Nobili, Y. Qin, C. Avizzano, D. Bassett, and F. Pasqualetti, Vibrational stabilization of complex network systems, In 2023 American Control Conference, Jun 2023 BibHTML
@inproceedings{2022:ACC:VibCtr,author={Nobili, Alberto Maria and Qin, Yuzhen and Avizzano, Carlo Alberto and Bassett, Danielle S. and Pasqualetti, Fabio},booktitle={2023 American Control Conference},title={Vibrational stabilization of complex network systems},year={2023},volume={},number={},pages={1980-1985},doi={10.23919/ACC55779.2023.10156032}}
Y. Qin, D. Bassett, and F. Pasqualetti, Flexible information propagation in oscillator networks, In 2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control, Jun 2022 BibHTML
@inproceedings{2022:CDC:info_flow,author={Qin, Yuzhen and Bassett, Danielle S. and Pasqualetti, Fabio},booktitle={2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control},title={Flexible information propagation in oscillator networks},year={2022},volume={},number={},pages={7029-7034},doi={10.1109/CDC51059.2022.9992875}}
Y. Qin, D. Bassett, and F. Pasqualetti, Vibrational control of cluster synchronization: connections with deep brain stimulation, In 2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control, Jun 2022 BibHTML
@inproceedings{2022:CDC:VibCtr,author={Qin, Yuzhen and Bassett, Danielle S. and Pasqualetti, Fabio},booktitle={2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control},title={Vibrational control of cluster synchronization: connections with deep brain stimulation},year={2022},volume={},number={},pages={655-661},doi={10.1109/CDC51059.2022.9993303},}
Y. Qin, T. Menara, S. Oymak, S. Ching, and F. Pasqualetti, Representation Learning for Context-Dependent Decision-Making, In 2022 American Control Conference (ACC), Jun 2022 BibHTML
@inproceedings{2022:ACC:RepBandits,author={Qin, Yuzhen and Menara, Tommaso and Oymak, Samet and Ching, ShiNung and Pasqualetti, Fabio},booktitle={2022 American Control Conference (ACC)},title={Representation Learning for Context-Dependent Decision-Making},year={2022},volume={},number={},pages={2130-2135},doi={10.23919/ACC53348.2022.9867204},}
Y. Qin, T. Menara, S. Oymak, S. Ching, and F. Pasqualetti, Non-sationary representation learning in sequential multi-armed bandits, In ICML Workshop on Reinforcement Learning Theory, Jun 2021 HTML
Y. Qin, Y. Kawano, and M. Cao, Stability of remote synchronization in star networks of Kuramoto oscillators, In 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Jun 2018 BibHTML
@inproceedings{2018:CDC:remotSyn,author={Qin, Yuzhen and Kawano, Yu and Cao, Ming},booktitle={2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)},title={Stability of remote synchronization in star networks of Kuramoto oscillators},year={2018},volume={},number={},pages={5209-5214},doi={10.1109/CDC.2018.8619257},}
A. Govaert, Y. Qin, and M. Cao, Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of cycles in evolutionary dynamics of two-strategy games on networks, In 2018 European Control Conference (ECC), Jun 2018 BibHTML
@inproceedings{2018:ECC:gameTheory,author={Govaert, Alain and Qin, Yuzhen and Cao, Ming},booktitle={2018 European Control Conference (ECC)},title={Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of cycles in evolutionary dynamics of two-strategy games on networks},year={2018},volume={},number={},pages={2182-2187},doi={10.23919/ECC.2018.8550361},}
T. Jin, Z. Liu, H. Zhou, Z. Guan, Y. Qin, and Y. Wu, Robust average formation tracking for multi-agent systems with multiple leaders, In , Jun 2017 20th IFAC World Congress BibHTML
@inproceedings{2017:IFAC:consensus,title={Robust average formation tracking for multi-agent systems with multiple leaders},journal={IFAC-PapersOnLine},volume={50},number={1},pages={2427-2432},year={2017},note={20th IFAC World Congress},issn={2405-8963},doi={https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.404},author={Jin, Tao and Liu, Zhi-Wei and Zhou, Hong and Guan, Zhi-Hong and Qin, Yuzhen and Wu, Yonghong},keywords={Formation control, Robust formation tracking, Multi-agent systems, Lyapunov analysis}}
Y. Qin, M. Cao, and B. Anderson, Asynchronous agreement through distributed coordination algorithms associated with periodic matrices, In 20th IFAC World Congress, Jun 2017 BibHTML
@inproceedings{2017:IFAC:asyn_consensus,title={Asynchronous agreement through distributed coordination algorithms associated with periodic matrices},booktitle={20th IFAC World Congress},volume={50},number={1},pages={1742-1747},year={2017},issn={2405-8963},doi={https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.502},author={Qin, Yuzhen and Cao, Ming and Anderson, Brian D.O.}}
Y. Qin, Y. Li, F. Pasqualetti, M. Fazel, and S. Oymak, Stochastic contextual bandits with long horizon rewards, Jun 2023